Braquiópodos neógenos del suroeste de la depresión del Guadalquivir (sur de España)

  • Antonio Toscano-Grande
  • Diego García-Ramos
  • Francisco Ruiz-Muñoz
  • María Luz González-Regalado
  • Manuel Abad
  • Jorge Civis-Llovera
  • José Ángel González-Delgado
  • Alberto Rico-García
  • María Luisa Martínez-Chacón
  • Edith Xiomara García
  • José Gabriel Pendón-Martín
Keywords: brachiopods, Tortonian-Pliocene, Guadalquivir basin, Spain


This paper analyzes the first brachiopod record of three Neogene formations of the southwestern Guadalquivir Basin (Huelva province, SW Spain) with a wide cartographical distribution. Samples obtained in five sections of these formations have allowed to recognize three species belonging to the genera Terebratula, Maltaia and Cryptopora, the latter being the first record of this genus in Spain. In addition, the biostratigraphical distribution and palaeoecological context of these species and others present in upper Neogene sediments (Tortonian-Lower Pliocene) of south Spain are discussed.
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