- The RMCG accept contributions in the form of Original research papers, Review papers, Short notes, Comments and Replies, written in Spanish or English.
- In a cover letter, the corresponding author must clearly state that the submitted manuscript has not been published, submitted or accepted elsewhere, and that all authors agree with the content and the submission of the manuscript.
- Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to our web site (free registration) by sending a single PDF file (maximum 15 megabytes) containing (1) cover letter; (2) manuscript; (3) figure captions; (4) figures; (5) tables. Manuscript, figures and tables must fulfill the requirements specified under “Manuscript Preparation”.
- The manuscript must be in double-spaced form with a 3 cm wide margin, written in font Times New Roman and font size 12. They should not exceed 14 pages in the final printed version (a printed page correspond to about three double-spaced pages in font 12). All pages in excess of 14 pages will incur a charge per page of MN$700.00 pesos for payments in Mexico or US$35.00 dollar for payments from aboard. Color figures can be included at no additional charge.
- The entire manuscript must be paginated, starting by the title page. Manuscripts must contain an abstract in English and its translation into Spanish. By request, a member of the editorial board can translate the abstract into Spanish.
- PEER-REVIEW PROCESS. Every manuscript is reviewed by at least two independent referees selected by the editors, using single-blind review. Authors can submit the names and addresses of appropriate reviewers. The decision concerning acceptance or rejection of a manuscript will be made by the editors, and will depend on the evaluation by the referees.
- After the evaluation of the manuscript, it will be returned to the author with the suggestions of the referees. The revised manuscript must be returned to the editor with an accompanying letter specifying the changes made in response to those suggestions; changes to the manuscript must be marked with a different text color. This revised manuscript must fulfill the format specifications detailed below in the sections “Revised Version” and “Manuscript Preparation”.
- Page proofs in PDF format will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for typesetting/editing. A query form from the technical editor can be sent with the proofs. Carefully check the proof, answer all queries, and indicate any modification, as no later changes are allowed. After this stage, content and edition of the final article are solely responsibility of the author.
Revised version
Besides the requirements specified under “Manuscript Preparation”, the following points must be considered for the revised version returned to the editors:
- Send the main text in a file in MS Word format; figure captions should be included at the end of the text.
- Do not import figures or tables into the text file.
- Send each figure in a separate electronic file, clearly identified with the first author name and figure number. Following formats are preferred for line drawings: Corel-Draw, Canvas, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand or Encapsulated Postscript; alternatively they can be sent in PDF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi in the final size. Figures in Excel, Power Point o Word format are not acceptable. Photographs must be sent in TIFF format (at least 300 dpi); if elements are added to the photos (text, lines), send also the original, unmodified version.
- Send each table in a separate electronic file in MS Word format, clearly identified with the first author name and table number. Tables must include table number and table title in the upper part.
Consult a recent issue of the RMCG or the web site <> for style.
The submitted manuscripts should be arranged as follows: (1) title, (2) authors’ names, (3) authors’ affiliations, (4) abstract in English, (5) keywords in English, (6) Abstract in Spanish, (7) Keywords in Spanish, (8) Manuscript, (9) References (10) Figure captions, (11) figures, (12) tables.
Title: Title should be short, specific and informative, and be written in capital and lower case.
Authors: Write the full name(s) of author(s), followed by affiliation(s) and complete postal address. The e-mail address of the corresponding author must also be included.
Abstract: The abstract should be presented in English and its translation into Spanish, must not exceed 500 words, and should not contain abbreviations or reference citations. The abstract should be brief and objective, and represent a summary of the paper that includes the methods used, the main results and conclusions.
Keywords: Five to six keywords in both languages used in the abstracts should be given below the abstract.
Main text
- Follow the structure shown bellow for the headings:
FIRST LEVEL (Bold capitals, left)
Second level (Bold, capital and lower case, left)
Third level (Bold, italic, capital and lower case, left)
Fourth level. (indented 0.75 cm, italic, capital and lower case, text continue on the same line).
- Italics should be used for terms or abbreviations in other languages (et al., ca., etc.)
- Chemical and isotopic analyses, as well as radiometric or paleontological datings must be referred to sampling locality and include coordinates.
- Measure units must be represented by their symbol in the International System of Units (BIPM, 2006).
- If the manuscript contains a Systematic Palaeontology section, please refer to the appended document.
- Equations must be numbered consecutively and all parameters must be explained immediately after the equation. References to equations in the text should appear as Equation 1 or (Equation 1)
- Acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly defined on their first occurrence in the text
- For proper usage and capitalization of stratigraphic terminology and concepts follow the North American Stratigraphic Code (NACSN, 2005), the International Stratigraphic Guide (ISSC, 1994), The International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS, 2010), and the GSA Geologic Time Scale (Walker et al., 2012).
- References cited
- All references cited in the text, figures, captions, and tables must be presented in a list of references following the main text.
- References are cited in the text by the last name of the author (exactly as it appears in the original work) and the year (Aguillón-Robles, 1994). If the authors’ name is part of the sentence, only the year is bracketed: “Aguillón-Robles (1994) determined……”. For references with two authors use the last names of both (Hoffman and Feigerson, 1983), and for those with three or more authors, use the last name of first author followed by “et al.” (Carmichael et al., 1974).
- References cited should be arranged chronologically; use a, b, c, etc. for references to one author in the same year. Separate with comma the references to same author, and with semicolon the references to different authors: (Persson, 1960a, 1960b; Keller, 1977).
- Do not include cites or references to papers in preparation, in review or in revision.
- Include only references cited in the text, figures, captions, and tables.
- Arrange the references alphabetically by first author and then alphabetically by second author. If more than one reference of the same author(s) is included, arrange them chronologically.
- For references with more than two authors, list alphabetically by the first author and then chronologically.
- Corporative authors (Universities, companies, government departments, etc.) should be included with full name, followed by initials in parenthesis, year, etc.: “United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), 1996,…..”.
- Do not abbreviate journal titles or publisher names.
- For the most common cases, follow the examples:
- Papers in periodical journals
[Last name(s)], [Initial(s)], [year], [article title]: [Journal title], [volume (issue number)], [pages].
Peslier, A.H., Francis, D., Ludden, J., 2002, The lithospheric mantle beneath continental margins; melting and melt-rock reaction in Canadian Cordillera xenoliths: Journal of Petrology, 43(11), 2013-2047
- Books
[Last name(s)], [Initial(s)], [year], [Book title]: [city of publication], [publisher], [no. of pages].
Faure, G., 1986, Principles of Isotope Geology: New York, John Wiley, 587 pp.
- Chapters in edited volumes
[Last name(s)], [Initial(s)], [year], [Chapter title], in [Last name(s)], [Initial(s)] (ed(s).), [book title]: [city of publication], [publisher], [pages].
Leeder, M.R., 1995, Continental rifts and proto-oceanic rift troughs, in Busby, C.J., Ingersoll, R.V. (eds.), Tectonics of sedimentary basins: Cambridge, Blackwell Science, 119-148.
- Proceedings from symposia and conferences
[Last name(s)], [Initial(s)], [year], [Title], in [symposia/conference name(s)], [city of meeting], [year if it differs from publication year]: [city of publication], [publisher], [pages].
Bear, C., 1972, Creep measured in deep potash mines vs. theoretical predictions, in Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Edmonton: Ottawa, Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 23-77.
- Unpublished thesis, reports, etc.
[Last name(s)], [Initial(s)], [year], [Title]: [City], [University, government department, company, etc.], [type of work (Ph. D. thesis, M.S. thesis, technical report, etc.)], [pages]:
Cameron, C.S., 1981, Geology of the Sugarloaf and Delamar Mountain areas, San Bernardino Mountains, California: Cambridge, U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph. D. Thesis, 180 pp.
- Maps
[Autor(s)], [Initial(s)], [year], [Type, title, and map number], scale [scale]: [City of publication], [Publisher], [Map series], [number of sheets] with text (if that is the case).
Alvarado-Méndez, H., Sánchez-Garrido, E., Pérez-Vargas, M.A., Caballero-Martínez, J.A., 1997, Carta geológico-minera Guanajuato F14-7, escala 1:250,000: Pachuca, Hidalgo, México, Consejo de Recursos Minerales, 1 map.
Cserna, Z. de, Fries, C., 1981, Hoja Taxco 14Q-h (7), Geología de los Estados de Guerrero, México y Morelos: México, D.F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología, Cartas Geológicas de México serie 1:100,000, 1 map with text.
- Corporative authors
[Full name of corporative author (Initials)], [year], [report publication according to the type following the previous examples]
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), 1984, Methods for the chemical analysis of water and waste water: Washington, D.C., Environmental Protection Agency, Technical Document, 16 74000.
Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI), 1979, Carta topográfica Ciudad Sahagún E14-B12, escala 1:50,000: México. D.F., Secretaría de Programación y Presupuesto, Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática, 1 map.
Figure captions
A list of all figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet(s), numbered consecutively, and printed with double space. In the electronic file with the main text, the captions can be included after the list of references.
The captions should include the figure number and a figure description. The description should be precise and contain the explanation of all symbols and abbreviations used.
- Each figure (maps, graphs, line drawings, photographs) must be submitted on a separate sheet, be clearly identified with figure number and first author name.
- Submit figures as close to final size as possible. Maximal allowed sizes for figures are:
One-column width 8.2 cm (3.2 in)
Page width 17.0 cm (6.7 in)
Page depth 22.0 cm (8.7 in)
- Use font Times New Roman between 7-12 point type size for letterings and line weight between 0.5 and 2 points. Use graphic scala instead of magnification factors; include units of measure.
- Include general titles of illustrations in the figure caption, not in the figure itself.
- Maps must indicate the North, have at least two coordinate data en each axis, and have a graphic scala. Localities mentioned in text, should be included in maps.
- Good, clear contrast, black and white photographs are acceptable. They should show the object of interest in an adecuate size.
- References to figures in the text should appear as Figure 1 or (Figure 1). References to figures in cited works should be written in lower case and abbreviated (Smith, 1990, fig. 2).
- Tables should be submitted on separate sheets, numbered consecutively, and be identified by authors’ names.
- Size of the tables should be in proportion of type area (17 × 22 cm). Tables can be separated in two or more pages.
- Include table number and title in the upper part. All columns must have headings; the units of measure should be written in parenthesis. Do no use division lines between columns or files. Footnotes can be included below the table, and should be referred to by superscript lower case letters.
- References to tables in the text should appear as Table 1 or (Table 1). References to tables in cited works should be written in lower case and abbreviated (Smith, 1990, tab. 2).
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), 2006, The International System of Units (SI) (en línea): Sèvres Cedex, Francia, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, SI brochure (8th edition), <>
Estivill A., Urbano C., 1997, Como citar recursos electrónicos (en línea), ver. 1.0: <>, 30 Mayo 1997, consulta: 15 Noviembre 2002.
International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS), 2010, International Stratigraphic Chart (en línea): International Union of Geological Sciences, International Commision on Stratigraphy <>
International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC), 1994. International Stratigraphic Guide –An abridged version (Amos S., Murphy, M.A. eds.), (en línea): International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification of the International Union of Geological Sciences, International Commission on Stratigraphy, <>
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature (NACSN), 2005, North American Stratigraphic Code (en línea): The North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, <>, actualización april 7, 2006.
Walker, J.D., Geissman, J.W., Bowring, S.A., Babcock, L.E. (compilators), 2012, Geologic Time Scale v. 4.0: Geological Society of America, doi: 10.1130/2012.CTS004R3C<
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas
Guidelines for Contributors
January 2010
- All taxa must include author names and dates after their first mention in the manuscript; citations must be included in the References. The same applies to lists, appendixes and figures.
- If the taxa citation has two or more authors include all names instead of “et al.”, and use “and” instead of ampersand (&).
- Do not add a space between a question mark and a generic name (e.g., Rosalina?).
- Include the geographic coordinate of collecting sites for all described specimens, include also the stratigraphic context and position of all specimens.
- All specimens must be deposited in a publically accessible repository and assigned unique catalog numbers.
- Authors are encouraged to follow the list of headings below. Use section headings consistently for all taxa treated.
- Family and lower taxonomic ranks must be cited. Higher taxonomic ranks can be included at the discretion of authors; include higher ranks if there is controversy regarding usage.
- In all cases include taxon author names and dates in the Systematic Paleontology section and in the references. All taxonomic ranks must be centered.
- The sequence of topics after generic or specific names begins with the Synonymy. Synonymy completeness is at the discretion of the author, but it is desirable to include the original designation and a complete source. Align citations to the left margin, and indent subsequent lines. Citations under one name should be separated with a semicolon. Convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals unless ambiguous. References to plates, figures, and pages in cited works should be written in lower case and abbreviated (pl., fig., p.).
- A full and formal systematic treatment is required for all new taxa.
- Previously named taxa do not necessarily require a full systematic treatment (diagnose, description, synonymies, etc.). The systematic treatment of previously named taxa must be scrutinized to eliminate unnecessary duplication of already published material.
For a new genus:
Genus name followed by “new genus”
(elsewhere in the text can be abbreviated to n. gen.).
Synonymy list (including plate and plate citations).
Type species. Required.
Diagnosis. Required. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence. Authors should ensure that diagnoses distinguish the taxon in question from all morphologically similar taxa.
Description. Recommended. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence (not necessarily the same as the diagnosis). Reference to Figures is allowed in the sections Description and Diagnosis.
Etymology. Required (= Derivation of name).
Occurrence. Recommended (=Distribution, Stratigraphic Range).
Discussion. Required (= Remarks).
For a previously described genus:
Genus name Author(s), date
Figures (only if species are not formally described).
Synonymy list (including page and plate citations). Required.
Type species. Recommended.
Diagnosis. Recommended. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence.
Description. Optional. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence (not necessarily the same as the diagnosis). Reference to Figures is allowed in the sections Description and Diagnosis.
Occurrence. Optional (= Distribution, Stratigraphic Range).
Discussion. Optional (= Remarks).
For a new species:
Species name followed by “new species”
(elsewhere in the text can be abbreviated to n. sp.).
Figures (required).
Synonymy list (including page and plate citations). If applicable.
Diagnosis. Required. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence. Authors should ensure that diagnoses distinguish the taxon in question from all morphologically similar taxa.
Description. Required. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence (not necessarily the same as the diagnosis). Different anatomical parts can be described under separate headings if desired. Reference to Figures is allowed in the sections Description and Diagnosis.
Etymology. Required (= Derivation of name in other journals).
Types. Required. Type designations, repository acronyms, and catalogue numbers must be provided for type specimens, followed by information on the geologic age, lithostratigraphic unit, and geographic location of type localities. Measurements. Required.
Other material examined. Required, if applicable. Repository acronyms and catalogue numbers must be provided for all mentioned specimens.
Occurrence. Required (=Distribution, Stratigraphic Range).
Discussion. Required (= Remarks).
For a previously described species:
A formal systematic treatment (diagnosis, description, synonymy, comparison, etymology, etc.), should only be included for a previously named taxon when new information requires modification or expansion of these categories, or when new interpretations need revision of a previous systematic treatment. In many cases, observations or comparisons of specimens considered in a manuscript can be included in the “Discussion” section under each taxonomic heading instead of describing all aspects of the taxon.
Species name Author(s), date
Synonymy list (including page and plate citations). Required.
Diagnosis. Optional. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence.
Description. Recommended. In telegraphic style and in a standard sequence (not necessarily the same as the diagnosis). Different anatomical parts may be described under separate headings, if desired. Reference to Figures is allowed in the sections Description and Diagnosis.
Material examined. Required. This section may be subdivided into headings for types (“Types”) vs. nontypes (“Other material examined”). Repository acronyms and catalogue numbers must be provided for all mentioned specimens.
Occurrence. Recommended (= Distribution, Stratigraphic Range).
Discussion. Recommended (= Remarks).
Order Pteroida Newell, 1965
Suborder Pteriina Newell, 1965
Superfamily Pteriacea Gray, 1847
Family Inoceramidae Giebel, 1852
Genus Inoceramus J. Sowerby, 1814
Subgenus Endocostea Whitfield, 1877
Inoceramus (Endocostea) balticus Böhm, 1907
Inoceramus balticus Böhm, 1907, p. 113; Giers, 1964, p. 238-246, lám. 1, figs. 1-6; lám. 2, figs. 1-4; lám. 3, fig. 1; Seitz, 1967, p. 67-76, lám. 6, figs. 1, 2; lám. 7, figs. 1, 2; lám. 8, figs. 1, 2; lám. 10, fig. 1; lám. 12, figs. 1, 2; Dhondt, 1993, p. 221-224, lám. 3, fig. 3; lám. 4, figs. 2, 3; lám. 6, fig. 1.
Superfamily Cypraeoidea Gray, 1824
Family Cypraeidae Gray, 1824
Subfamily Bernayinae Schilder, 1927
Genus Bernaya Jousseaume, 1884
Type Species. Cypraea media Deshayes, 1835, por designación original. Eoceno medio (piso Bartoniano), Auvers-sur-Oise, Val-d'Oise (noroeste de Paris).
Subgenus Bernaya s.s.
Bernaya (Bernaya) obesa (Deshayes, 1866)
Cypraea obesa Deshayes, 1866, p. 561, lám. 105, figs. 11, 12.
Cypraea (Bernayia) obesa Deshayes. Cossmann, 1889, p. 106; Cossmann y Pissarro, 1910-1913, lám. 32, fig. 162-1.
Bernaya (Bernaya) lata obesa Deshayes. Schilder y Schilder, 1971, p. 27.