In carbonate systems, the heterogeneity of the rocks negatively influences the quality of the seismic image, which makes the interpretation of the continuity of their sedimentary facies complex. The use of seismic attributes has become a crucial tool to highlight geometric features associated with the deposition environment, internal stratigraphy, stratigraphic and structural continuity or discontinuity, as well as lithological changes of carbonate systems.
Lithofacies of San Andrés Formation were delimited from seismic attributes applied to seismic volume. The seismic attributes of Isofrequency, Instantaneous Frequency, GLCM, Envelope, Local Flatness and Spectral Decomposition showed a higher efficiency in lithofacies delimitation of San Andrés Formation. In the San Andreas field, the oolitic grainstone lithofacies predominates, whereas the oolitic packstone-grainstone lithofacies is defined in the eastern part of the Remolino field and in the southern part of the San Andrés field. In the western portion of the Remolino field, the grainstone lithofacies is mainly defined.
The oolitic grainstone lithofacies is controlled by the basement high geometry, being located mainly on their NE and SW flanks in the San Andrés field and northwest of the Hallazgo field.

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