Stratigraphy and regional significance of Mississippian to Jurassic rocks in Sierra Santa Teresa, Sonora, Mexico


Stratigraphy, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Sierra Santa Teresa, Sonora, Mexico.

How to Cite

Stewart, J. H., Amaya-Martínez, R., Stamm, R. G., Wardlaw, B. R., Stanley, Jr, G. D., & Stevens, C. H. (2018). Stratigraphy and regional significance of Mississippian to Jurassic rocks in Sierra Santa Teresa, Sonora, Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Geológicas, 14(2), 115–135. Retrieved from

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In Sierra Santa Teresa, about 20 km southeast of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Paleozoic strata are exposed in the upper plate, and Mesozoic rocks in the lower plate, of a post-Early-Jurassic thrust fault… in order to continue, download the full paper in PDF.


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