Ground motion simulations of the 1887 Pinal de Amoles (MW = 5.53) and the 1989 Landa de Matamoros (MW = 4.94) earthquakes, Querétaro, Mexico


Ground motion simulation
peak ground acceleration
specific barrier model

How to Cite

Rodríguez-Pérez, Q. (2023). Ground motion simulations of the 1887 Pinal de Amoles (MW = 5.53) and the 1989 Landa de Matamoros (MW = 4.94) earthquakes, Querétaro, Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Geológicas, 40(3), 294–307.

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Ground motions characteristics of the 1887 Pinal de Amoles (MW = 5.53) and the 1989 Landa de Matamoros (MW = 4.94) Querétaro earthquakes were studied. For this purpose, the specific barrier model (SBM) was implemented in the context of the stochastic ground motion representation of earthquakes. The SBM was calibrated by modeling the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and the Fourier acceleration spectra (FAS) of the 11 May 2016 (MW = 4.80) Guadalajara earthquake. The calibration results showed that the SBM and selected source and path parameters were able to reproduce synthetic PGA and spectra in good agreement with observed waveforms; in particular, a stress drop of 160 bars fits the results better. Several rupture scenarios for the 1887 and 1989 events were performed by obtaining synthetic seismograms considering different values of stress drop (10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 500 bars). For a typical stress-drop value of 100 bars, the PGA at distances of 10 and 200 km are in the following intervals: 2.57–295 cm/s2 and 1.72–186 cm/s2 for the Pinal de Amoles and Landa de Matamoros earthquakes, respectively. The results obtained in this study contribute toward a better understanding of strong ground motions in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas


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