Fourteen species of decapods crustaceans are described from a single locality near Mexia, Texas, where Paleocene sediments of the Mexia Clay Member of the Wills Point Formation crop out. The species are represented by Hoploparia sp., Linuparus wilcoxensis Rathbun, 1935, an unnamed paguroid, Kierionopsis nodosa Davidson, 1966, Pithonoton cardwelli new species, Caloxanthus sp., Macroacaena johnsoni (Rathbun, 1935), new combination, Raninoides bournei (Rathbun, 1928), R. treldenaesensis (Collins and Jakobsen, 2003), Prehepatus sp., Tehuacana americana (Rathbun, 1935), new combination, Costacopluma texana new species, Paraverrucoides alabamensis (Rathbun, 1935) and Viapinnixa mexiaensis new species. Morphological details unknown for previously described species are included. New systematic placements are offered based on recent research. Intraspecifi c morphological variation is documented for the goneplacoid crab Tehuacana americana. Costacopluma texana is the second Paleogene species of that genus in southeastern USA, and because of its abundance represents the most completely described species for the genus. This fauna represents one of the most diverse assemblages of Paleocene crustacean decapods.
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