In this work we review the existing models on the aquifer system and geology of the Valley of Queretaro. The interpretation of the lithological record in 70 water extraction wells helped to detail the stratigraphy of the first 200 m. In order to evaluate the characteristics of the groundwater flow, 32 monitoring wells and the measured piezometric levels of 196 wells for an interval between 1970 and 2003 were compiled. The hydraulic head has decreased between 10 and 160 m during the last two decades. The analysis of the piezometric evolution shows that the differences in the groundwater withdrawal are delineated by the stratigraphic and structural discontinuities. Variations in time of the piezometric levels of wells located in both sides of the Falla Central suggest that this structure act as a boundary between different hydraulic compartments. The isotopic analysis of δ18O and δD suggest that groundwater in the valley is not influenced directly by vertical recharge. According to the physical properties of the stratigraphic units, a multilayer aquifer model for the Valley of Queretaro, with a flow regime between local and regional is proposed.
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