Vol. 31 No. 3 (2014)
Issue Description

Cover image:
Spontaneous fission tracks in a detrital apatite crystal from the Todos Santos Formation sandstone, the State of Chiapas, Mexico. These linear damages, which show random directions, were formed in apatite by the spontaneous fission of trace amounts of natural uranium. Polished apatite was etched in 5.5N HNO3 a at 21 °C for 20 s to reveal 238U spontaneous fission tracks. Photomicrograph by Fanis Abdullin and Jesús Solé.

Regular Papers

Miocene faulting in the southwestern Sierra Madre Occidental, Nayarit, Mexico: kinematics and segmentation during the initial rifting of the southern Gulf of California
Jose Duque-Trujillo, Luca Ferrari, Gianluca Norini, Margarita López-Martínez
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Procedencia como herramienta para la subdivisión estratigráfica del Mesozoico temprano en el noreste de México
José Rafael Barboza-Gudiño, Yam Zul Ernesto Ocampo-Díaz, Aurora Zavala-Monsiváis, Rubén A. López-Martínez
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Structural deformation in central Cuba and implications for the petroleum system: new insights from 3D inversion of gravity data
José Alberto Batista-Rodríguez, Marco Antonio Pérez-Flores, Jesús Blanco-Moreno, Luis Fernando Camacho-Ortegón
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Caracterización estratigráfica, paleoambiental y biocronológica de la Formación La Deheza (Carbonífero Superior-Pérmico Inferior), San Juan, Argentina
Gustavo Alejandro Correa, Pedro Raúl Gutiérrez
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Primer registro de Cuvieronius (Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae) en el Pleistoceno del Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, sur de México, algunas consideraciones sobre su taxonomía y distribución geográfica en México
Eduardo Jiménez-Hidalgo, Lidia Aracely Pérez-Cruz
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Porosity evolution in tight gas sands of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, western Sichuan basin, China
Dongxia Chen, Xiongqi Pang, Liang Xiong, Lei Wang, Mingxian Xie
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The alluvial sequence of Santa Cruz Nuevo, Mexico: Paleoecological interpretation of fossil vertebrates and pedosediments from marine isotope stage 3
Rosa E. Tovar, Sergey Sedov, Marisol Montellano-Ballesteros
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